Hey what's up? I am able to get limited internet access while I'm chilling on vacation in California. You should have no problem getting your website approved for ads. The only reason that AdSense checks for approval is to make sure your website does not have any innappropriate content (such as porn or anything encouraging illegal activity).
I'm some kind of artist. Like to paint but I'm a writer. Train karate for my whole life.Played soccer/football in earlier days and also played trumpet in my younger days.I just like everything about sport and arts.
Hey what's up? I am able to get limited internet access while I'm chilling on vacation in California. You should have no problem getting your website approved for ads. The only reason that AdSense checks for approval is to make sure your website does not have any innappropriate content (such as porn or anything encouraging illegal activity).
I hope everything works out ok!
I hope you had a nice vacation. Love the bruce lee photo.
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